Category Archives: Challenges

LOAD Challenge Featured Designer: The Changing of the Guard

I’m super excited to be the featured designer on today’s LOAD Challenge at Scrap Happy! I was sent the story and technique prompts in September and I felt challenged!!! Story: Is there something you do in a precise way. Is there a long held tradition that Covid has made you change. Are you very stoic or is there… Read More »

Sketch HACK: Create A Scrapbook Layout With A Card Sketch

LOAD Challenge 1020 Day 6:  Layout A Day Challenge! This is my layout for today’s Scrap Happy LOAD Challenge.  I receive the story prompt emailed to me today and it was to share a physical feature that affected someone’s life. The technique prompt was to include an icon related to that physical feature.  I had no idea what… Read More »

Speedy Scrapbooking With Pocket Pages and Digital Products: LOAD Challenge Day 5

Do you ever have days where you feel like creating but want it just to be quick and easy? One tip I have…create a speedy scrapbook layout with pocket pages, digital products you can download and print, and add some goodies from your stash! I had some fun today using more of the Traci Reed Designs digital products. … Read More »

LOAD Challenge 4: How To Use Digital Products on Traditional Layouts

I’m still managing to keep up with the load layouts!!  I waited to post this so I could add the process video for the layout that I have to share with you today. I attended a virtual Scrap Smarter experience a few weeks ago and there were 11 presentations from women who are leaders in the scrapbooking and… Read More »

Quick and Easy Technique To Add Foil To Your Cards

The Paper Craft Crew sketch for this week inspired me to add a foiling detail to my card. I’ve had foil in my stash for a couple of years and haven’t played with it in a while.  I decided to keep it simple and use it on my card for today!   I aspire to make clean and… Read More »

3 Ways To Use Clear Block Stamping To Add Quick Color To Your Cards

The Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge for this week is a classic sketch.  It used to be my go-to card layout.  I varied it by changing where I placed the squares on the card, but I have made many cards with this favorite sketch!   I actually have a video to share with you today to show you how… Read More »

How To Make A Sketch Challenge Your Own Design

Sketch challenges are great when you need inspiration or when you are stuck in a designing rut.  They are even useful when you just want a challenge creating something you wouldn’t have created without the challenge put before you. Some sketch challenges expect you to follow the sketch exactly, while most say it’s okay to flip it, rotate… Read More »

Scrapping 4 Fun Challenges: Anything Goes Challenge

I’ve joined the Scrapping 4 Fun Challenge Design Team for the September-December 2020 term and I’m very happy to share my very first DT design challenge as part of the team! Each challenge for this team has a sponsor and the sponsor for this two week challenge is LeAnn’s World 101. I selected the Painter Girl digi and… Read More »