Layout A Day: Tell A Story About Your Home

Just a quick share today!  I am on day #16 of the Layout a Day challenge and so far, I’m keeping up! I’m also using the fall gratitude journal that I created in August.  Needless to say, all the pages are decorated with a fall theme no matter what the story prompt and the technique prompt is, but… Read More »

Combining Digital Images To Make Scenes

Have you tried digital images or digital products yet? I’ve become a huge fan of digital images.  I know that I’ve said this many times, but they require no physical storage space, they can be resized to fit the needs of your project, and they are inexpensive! I’m now learning how to do all kinds of things with… Read More »

How To Use A Traveler’s Notebook For List Memory Keeping!

If you have been following me for a the last few months, you know that I’ve been stash diving lately!  In an effort to use up some very old patterned paper and release myself from the guilt of having that pile on a shelf that I’ve never used in years, I started a traveler’s notebook. I really wasn’t… Read More »

Use Your Patterned Paper To Make A Quick and Easy Layered Card!

I have been using my patterned paper stash like there is no tomorrow.  I probably shouldn’t word it that way given that it is still 2020! I actually took yesterday off from all creative endeavors.  I was honestly exhausted from participating in a 3 day virtual crop event.  I create 10 scrapbook layouts, participated in 5 Zoom sessions… Read More »

LOAD Challenge Featured Designer: The Changing of the Guard

I’m super excited to be the featured designer on today’s LOAD Challenge at Scrap Happy! I was sent the story and technique prompts in September and I felt challenged!!! Story: Is there something you do in a precise way. Is there a long held tradition that Covid has made you change. Are you very stoic or is there… Read More »

7 Kids Craft Store October Release + Video Hop

The 7 Kids Craft Store October Release is live today!  There is a YouTube Hop and you can see my video below and get the links to the rest of the team videos as well.  If you comment on each of the videos, you have a chance to win a Whimsy stamp set from Kelly at 7 Kids… Read More »

Digital Images For Copic Coloring

Some images just capture your attention as soon as you see them!  This Viking image from Kinda Cute by Patricia is one of those images I just had to color! I’ve been creating a lot of intricated scenes lately with my Copics and I decided it was time to keep it simple! Just because you are coloring images… Read More »

Layout A Day Challenge Day 8: Favorite Old Movie

Today’s layout prompt was a favorite old movie and the technique prompt was to use the movie poster as inspiration. The very first movie that I ever remember seeing in the movie theater was Swiss Family Robinson.  I remember that my grandmother and two of my uncles were there with my mom, me and my sister.  I remember… Read More »

Challenge YOUrself Scrapbooking Color Challenge For Fall

I have a scrapbook layout to share with you from the Challenge YOUrself Scrapbook Challenge.  The challenge is a color challenge this month!   I’m going to confess that I did throw some orange in and I used a deeper green.  This color palette was a very soft palette and I’m more of a bold color person!  … Read More »

Sketch HACK: Create A Scrapbook Layout With A Card Sketch

LOAD Challenge 1020 Day 6:  Layout A Day Challenge! This is my layout for today’s Scrap Happy LOAD Challenge.  I receive the story prompt emailed to me today and it was to share a physical feature that affected someone’s life. The technique prompt was to include an icon related to that physical feature.  I had no idea what… Read More »

Use Digital Pocket Cards To Create Greeting Cards

Do you have friends you know need a boost? I definitely do and I thought that the pocket cards that I printed from Traci Reed Designs would make perfect sentiments on the front of a couple of quick cards that I made today. I had some extra pieces of the Indoorsy Digital Collection and the Have A Nice… Read More »

LOAD Challenge Day 3: What’s in a Name?

Happy World Cardmaking Day! I did make 3 cards today, but I will share those tomorrow. Today I’m sharing my Scrap Happy Layout A Day Scrapping Challenge. The prompt that I received in the email today was for us to tell the story of how family names are passed down in our family.  The technique was to use… Read More »