Category Archives: Scrapbook Layouts

LOAD Challenge Featured Designer: The Changing of the Guard

I’m super excited to be the featured designer on today’s LOAD Challenge at Scrap Happy! I was sent the story and technique prompts in September and I felt challenged!!! Story: Is there something you do in a precise way. Is there a long held tradition that Covid has made you change. Are you very stoic or is there… Read More »

Sketch HACK: Create A Scrapbook Layout With A Card Sketch

LOAD Challenge 1020 Day 6:  Layout A Day Challenge! This is my layout for today’s Scrap Happy LOAD Challenge.  I receive the story prompt emailed to me today and it was to share a physical feature that affected someone’s life. The technique prompt was to include an icon related to that physical feature.  I had no idea what… Read More »

Speedy Scrapbooking With Pocket Pages and Digital Products: LOAD Challenge Day 5

Do you ever have days where you feel like creating but want it just to be quick and easy? One tip I have…create a speedy scrapbook layout with pocket pages, digital products you can download and print, and add some goodies from your stash! I had some fun today using more of the Traci Reed Designs digital products. … Read More »

LOAD Challenge 4: How To Use Digital Products on Traditional Layouts

I’m still managing to keep up with the load layouts!!  I waited to post this so I could add the process video for the layout that I have to share with you today. I attended a virtual Scrap Smarter experience a few weeks ago and there were 11 presentations from women who are leaders in the scrapbooking and… Read More »

Scrapping 4 Fun Challenges: Anything Goes Challenge

I’ve joined the Scrapping 4 Fun Challenge Design Team for the September-December 2020 term and I’m very happy to share my very first DT design challenge as part of the team! Each challenge for this team has a sponsor and the sponsor for this two week challenge is LeAnn’s World 101. I selected the Painter Girl digi and… Read More »