Category Archives: Challenges

Quick Card Using Catherine Pooler’s Wings Of Joy

Catherine Pooler’s latest release, Flutters and Blooms, is simply beautiful.  It’s full of butterflies and florals with some of her prettiest colors used in the papers and embellishments. The card that I’m sharing today uses her Wings of Joy stamp set which is a giant butterfly and lots of little florals.  It’s just a stunner!  You can also… Read More »

Experimenting With Mixed Media

I’ve been watching a lot of Vicki Boutin Live lately.  I just love Vicki Boutin.  She’s a mixed media artist with a product line through American Crafts and she makes it seem perfectly normal to love experimenting with different mediums and materials. Plus, she’s all about getting messy in the process. She’s my hero!  I love to experiment… Read More »

Stamping and Scrapbooking: Black and White Photo Challenge

The Challenge YOUrself Scrapbook Challenge for this month is Black and White Photo.  Remember this challenge requires that YOU are in the photo! Honestly, I have so few photos with me in them.  I’m sure that my husband and kids have some, but my camera is full of other people and things.  I find this a true challenge… Read More »

Single Layer Card With a Color Challenge

I’ve been playing with watercoloring using my inks for the last two weeks. I just can’t get enough! Of course, I have nice watercolor paints that are actually sitting in my drawer while I play with my inks. I can get away with less craft supplies when I want to…but, why?! Today’s card was created using the Atlantic… Read More »

Using Die Cuts As Your Focal Image

Two of the design teams that I participate in both have cards that are due on Tuesday.  Most of the time, I make different cards and do two blog posts.  Today, I’m combining them because they work so well together! The Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge this week is a nice sketch challenge.  This is another one of those… Read More »

Have You Notices How Metallic Elements Create Special Cards?

  My son and I used to browse the card isles of a couple local stores while we were waiting for my daughter during her afterschool sports practice.  We really enjoyed finding cards to make each other laugh.  I learned that we had very similar quirky humor as we laughed on those afternoons. I also noticed that the… Read More »

Challenge YOUrself February Inspiration Challenge

Selecting who my hero would be for this month’s Challenge Yourself Inspiration Challenge was easy.  Finding a picture of the two of us together in the midst of moving was a whole other story! Thank goodness for technology! This month’s Challenge YOUrself challenge is an inspiration challenge.  The inspiration is Mariah Carey’s song, “Hero”. This is a scrapbooking… Read More »

The Journey Begins With The Challenge YOUrself Design Team

I’m very excited to participate in my first challenge with the Design Team for the scrapbook Challenge Yourself blog.  A big thank you to Sharon Fritchman for selecting me to join the team.  I’m so humbled to be a part of this talented group. Make sure you check out the other designers pages and leave some comment love.… Read More »