Category Archives: Techniques

E Is For Effort

I’m giving myself and E for Effort with my watercoloring today.  I need a P for more Practice as well! I played around with some more florals after watching a lesson taught by Debbie Hughes who is a master watercolorist.  Wow! All of the class instructors make it look so easy and each one will tell you that… Read More »

Watercolor Classes Day 1

I’m taking a watercoloring class this week.  I’ve taken several classes that teach various watercoloring techniques to use with my stamps and stash. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that we would not be using stamps…NOPE!  We are sketching stuff out.  YEP! I am bravely sharing my homework. Be kind.  Remember that this is my first time trying… Read More »

Stretch Your Craft Stash With Concord & 9th Turnabout Stamps

I have absolutely fallen in love with Concord & 9th’s Turnabout stamps. Yesterday, I shared a watercolor lifting technique and used a turnabout stamp to make the card. Today I wanted to show you how to use a turnabout stamp (see my video below) and how versatile these stamps sets are. You could create 20 cards from one… Read More »

Technique Of The Week: Watercolor Lifting + Turnabout Stamps

I’ve had a technique and a stamp set that I’ve been meaning to get to for a couple of weeks.  I finally got to sit down and try it.  I even made a video…which is my longest video ever. I used a watercolor lifting technique with Concord & 9th’s Dotty Turnabout Stamp.  Actually, I end up using several… Read More »

Card Maker’s Choice Challenge

This week at the Stamp, Ink, Paper Challenge blog is a card maker’s choice challenge.  Make a card using your favorite stamp set, ink colors and paper.  I couldn’t resist creating a card for this challenge using a Hero Arts stamp set called Come Fly With Me. I’ve been doing a lot of ink blending and watercoloring techniques… Read More »